About Us

The Creation of Verdiis

Our Founder and CEO, Melanie Girald, believes in conserving our environment and protecting the planet. Ever since her childhood years, Melanie has had a fondness for protecting our planet.

While pursuing her Bachelor at the University of Houston, she developed a product that could revolutionize the disposable entertainment goods space (to be launched in the near future!). This idea is what birthed the brand - Verdiis!

Melanie wanted to pay homage to her Latinx roots and have the brand represent green and the environment. Verde is green in Spanish, and Viridis is green in Latin = Verdiis.

The Birth of Viid

Our Viid Nourishing Oil was created out of need.

CEO and Founder, Melanie Girald, has always had dry cuticles. She purchased every product she could ever find, at various price points to no avail. No matter what product she used, her cuticles would remain dry. On top of that, the oils were watery and messy and got on everything!

In 2022, Melanie created her own blend of oils that were organic, sealed in moisture (on her cuticles and skin), and was great for eyebrow and eyelash lengthening and conditioning. After talking about the oil with her friends and family, many asked about being able to buy it as they had a need for this product. It was ultimately a conversation with Melanie and her life and business partner, Julio Balbuena, that decided her to take this product to market.

Viid was officially created!

Viid comes from vida, the Spanish word for life. Because Viid gives life to your skin, cuticles, lashes, and brows, we thought what better name to give such an amazing product!

Results you can see using sustainable, organic ingredients!

Discover the essence of well-being with Verdiis. We specialize in crafting products that blend holistic, organic, and sustainable ingredients, ensuring every choice you make is a step towards a healthier planet and a healthier you. Dive into our product offerings and experience the transformative power of nature firsthand.

Join us in embracing a lifestyle that's not just good for the Earth, but even better for YOU!